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差 cha

Home Pinyin cha

差别 chābié difference

差距 chājù disparities; disparity; gap; gaps

差异 chāyì difference; differentially; differentials; discrepancies; discrepancy; divergence; diversity; variances

当差 dāngchā manservant

反差 fǎnchā contrast

方差 fāngchā variance

公差 gōngchā tolerance; tolerances

利差 lìchā spreads

落差 luòchā drop

偏差 piānchā declination; deviance; deviation; deviations

时差 shíchā jet lag; jet-lagged

视差 shìchā parallax

岁差 suìchā precession

温差 wēnchā temperature difference

像差 xiàngchā aberrations

邮差 yóuchā postmen

最差 zuìchā worst

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce